How Smartpay Grew 10 x Bigger During our 6 Year Partnership

"Our business used Due North for six years for our digital marketing and CRM/sales support and it’s been fantastic. Forget a large agency, get personalised service, and clear plain English about how to improve your digital marketing and sales methodology.."

- Peter Thomas | Head of Direct Sales & Marketing, Smartpay

Home / Case Studies / Smartpay


Exceptional growth and results - 10 Times!


1,000% inbound sales

850% lead enquiries

914% website visitors

Due North

The Client

Smartpay is the largest independently owned and operated EFTPOS provider across Australia and New Zealand, having supplied over 40,000 EFTPOS machines to over 30,000 Merchants. Smartpay are constantly working to bring the latest in EFTPOS and mobile payments technology to customers across the two countries.

Due North

The Challenge

Smartpay operate in a highly competitive space against businesses that have literally unlimited marketing budgets (i.e .the big banks) and against some of the nimblest new entries in the fintech world. Outpacing the competition is seen as the core challenge to ensure long term sustainable growth.

The Solution

Working on a strategic plan, backed up by a robust analytics framework, we continue to deliver outstanding results.

Website design & development

Google Ads management & optimisations

CRM design, maintenance & implementation

Analytics & management framework

Technical on page SEO

The Results

Smartpay is now 10 times the size of what it was when we started working together

Inbound sales
0 %
Lead enquiries
0 %
Website visitors
0 %

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