Digital Marketing Strategy
Designing your road map to business growth.
- Where are we today
- Where are we heading
- Target audience and value proposition
- Tactical plan of attack
- Prioritisation and resources

Home / Digital Marketing Strategy
A Winning Digital Marketing Strategy
Strategy is the plan that details where you are today, where you want to be in 6-12 months, and the best path to get you there, without skimping on quality.
Once we’ve got some great runs on the board and we have right management in place, then we can turn our attention to how we grow your business long term, with the right strategy.
Our Road Map will help establish the path to revenue growth by conducting a thorough audit of your current strategy, sales & marketing assets. We provide recommendations on short and long-term growth. We start by ensuring we have the right tracking, measurement, reporting and analysis in place across both marketing and sales, so that we have the right information to make decisions.
- Where are we today: Audit and analysis of what’s working well, what’s not working and what are the quick wins
- Where are we heading: Identifying targets, objectives and direction
- Who: Who are your target audiences and how do we get to know them better?
- Value: What is the value proposition you generate, how well is it communicated and how do we provide more and more value?
- Customer Journey: How are we going to communicate with each target audience at every possible touchpoint, and how do we add value each time?
- Prioritisation and resources: How are we going to get the quickest and biggest bang for our buck?
- Plan of attack: Tactical plan for the next 3-6 months to reach the targets and objectives.

Doubled retail sales.
Engagement : OCT ’14 – Current
“Due North has boosted our traffic and doubled our through-the-door customers in only 6 months of work! I am a very busy small business owner and have very little time in my day and they have managed to take control and push business through the door. Highly recommend! And Ben (the marketing genius) always buys the coffee!”
Ben Perry | Owner

The overarching elements of your digital marketing strategy.

Customer Strategy
Develop an intimate knowledge of your potential customers.
- Target Audience ›
- Customer Personas
- Value Proposition ›
- Customer Journey ›
- Data overlay

Search Strategy
Establish how to use search engines to drive awareness
- Target Audience Search Behaviour
- Keyword Research
- Prioritisation
- Paid, Organic & Content

Website Strategy
Develop how your website can best engage and convert visitors.
- User Journey
- Core Messaging
- Social Proof
- Value Adding Content

Content Strategy
Content is the fuel that will power all your digital marketing activity.
- Content Pillars
- Content Plan
- Content Optimisation
- Content Promotion

Plan of Attack
Create the right plan together, that works for all parties.
- Who is doing what?
- When will it be done?
- How do we assess?
1. Review of current strategy and business objectives.
Before we can embark on any sales and marketing growth framework, we need to assess our customer strategy, which involves developing an intimate knowledge of your potential customers.
“Who are we selling what to? And how are we going to do it?”
We will review your current strategy and plans, taking into account:
- Business Goals and Objectives: Business goals and objectives are the foundation for your overall sales and marketing strategy.
- Branding: How well you differentiate yourself in the marketplace.
- Target Audience: How well you understand who you are selling to.
- Personas: How well you stay on message with personas that bring your target audience to life.
- Value Proposition: How well defined and compelling your unique offering is and how well it is communicated to your audience.
- Customer Journey: How well you have mapped out the customer journey for each of your target audiences.
Your customer strategy is basically a way to define who you are selling what to. It is the most important question a small business owner can continually ask, and strive to get better and better at. Your customer strategy should pull everything together on your product or service and be clear on who you think will buy it and why. It should also form the basis of your sales and marketing strategy by placing the customer first in everything you do.
2. Management: data, tracking, reporting, optimisation and insights.
First and foremost is to ensure we have the right management in place for your marketing channels. And the first port of call is to make sure we have the right tracking in place to record accurate data from all areas of the business. Then we can start to produce the reports we need to see what is working and what isn’t working in your marketing, sales, customer service etc.
Questions that we’ll explore with you:
- What do you want to achieve?
- When do you need to achieve it by?
- What are the key steps required to achieve this?
By establishing the right management framework, we’ll be able to determine:
- What’s working well
- Where things are not working or are breaking down
- What’s missing from your marketing and sales that you should have
We’ll gather and analyse all your business analytics, predominately using Google Analytics, but also taking into account data tracking across some/all of the following platforms (depending on the nature of your business):
- Digital Marketing: Google Ads, Google Analytics, Social, Email.
- Offline Marketing: Materials, Inbound phone tracking.
- Sales and Service: CRM and POS, Sales data, Individual data, Business unit data, Pipeline management data, Conversion rates, Customer contact (foot traffic, inbound enquiries).
- Financial: Revenue, Costs, Transactions.
3. Audit, analysis and recommendations of current revenue generation.
This is where the real value and insights are revealed with a thorough audit into each of your key sales and marketing channels. We’ll review:
Marketing (campaigns, assets):
- SEO/Search: How to best use search engines to drive awareness.
- Website user experience, site engagement: How well your website attracts and converts.
- Content: The fuel that powers all your digital activity.
- Social Media: Spending time where your audience is hanging out.
Repeat customers:
Determining the lifetime value of a customer and identifying strategies to increase this over time with long-term relationships and repeat business.
- Email Strategy: How well you use email marketing to lead nurture, generate more conversions and build a lasting relationship with clients.
- Loyalty Programs: How well you use loyalty programs to build repeat customers and longer-term customers.
4. Tactical plan of attack.
Plan to achieve (the high priorities) in the next 90 days:
We’ll develop a plan for the next 3-4 months, which focuses on getting in, getting dirty, grabbing the low-lying fruit and getting some good results on the board. This is all about creating a strategic plan of attack with a project plan that will move you from your current reality to achieving your targets.
The basic metrics will include:
- Prioritisation of tasks
- Who will do what
- When it will be done by
- Expected outcomes to track and measure against
12 month high level plan to go from woo to woohoo!
We’ll also work with you to develop a strategy for the next 12 months. We’ll show you how you can increase leads and revenue with lower costs and improve how you operate. We will also provide whatever resources you don’t have but need.

What does a strong digital marketing strategy look like?

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