Google AdS
Build and Launch
- Structure
- Ads
- Landing Pages
- Tracking and Reporting
- Auxiliary Tasks

Home / Google Ads Management / Build and Launch
When the rubber hits the road
We need to build the campaign and get it ready to go live. Then flick the switch.
1. Structure
We want to develop an effective structure so we can best manage the campaign moving forward, ensuring it makes sense, provides foundations of good quality score and tightly groups/themes relevant keywords together.
How do we want to structure all the keywords so that they make sense, and allows us to easily manage the campaigns? The main priority is how we can shift budget from one campaign that’s converting better to another. Generally, from the keyword research, we break it down into groups that could line up with a product structure. It could be a service structure or a description structure. There’s all different ways of doing it, but we want to make sure we’ve got the right structure that’s going to allow us to grow and scale as required.
Then, under each campaign we have the Ad Groups. What are the ad groups that we need? You can liken this to a pyramid, start with the foundational baseline, which lead up to the ad groups, which lead up to the campaigns, which add up to the whole account itself.
Once again, what’s the ad groups structure that we need? That’s really all around keeping things tightly themed and together. We don’t want all different topics within one ad group because we write the ad specifically for that ad group. We only want relevant keywords in that ad group that are relevant. For example, you don’t want ‘pen’ in a ‘pipe’ ad group. You want pins, pen leads, pen buddies, whatever that may be.
2. Ads
We need to write great, engaging ads that take into account your target audience, your value proposition, your calls to action and your core messaging. It’s not as easy as it seems. You’ve got very limited characters, but we need to get all the messages in there, write them, review them, and approve them. That also includes adding all the links, call outs, and extensions, which take up more real estate.
We want different variations
Once again, this is all about testing and trialling what’s going to work and what’s not going to work. You might try three different variations depending on the focused keywords, target audience and core messaging.
3. Landing Pages
We’ve touched on landing pages above. We need to get them built, live and reviewed. Over time we can do split tests to work out what landing pages are going to convert better, and what landing pages aren’t cutting the mustard.
4. Tracking and Reporting
One of the most important steps in this whole process is to ensure that we can track and report on everything that we need to. This requires looking at three levels of tracking and reporting.
One is Google Ads itself, which provides a heap of data information, but not quite everything we need. The second is Google Analytics. Once we get people to a website, we need to have a look at exactly what they’re doing, where they’re going, what pages are working and which ones aren’t. So in terms of good site engagement and conversions, we need Google Analytics site data.
Thirdly, and the most important one by far, is outcomes to the business. What are all the leads and sales that are coming through? We need to make sure that tracking and reporting is all set up. Note, one of the most important ones is setting up inbound phone tracking or dynamic inbound phone tracking. This enables us to see by keyword what is generating inbound phone inquiries to your business and what isn’t.
5. Auxiliary Tasks
There’s a heap of auxiliary tasks to get through just to get the campaign live. There’s billings. There’s getting the campaign uploaded. There’s linking Google Ads in Google Analytics. And all these things take a bit of time to get live and get ready and running.
It’s time to do great Google Ads!
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BLOG: 9 Killer Step to Great Google Ads Results