Content Marketing
Lead Funnels and Magnets
This is a high-level synopsis of the technical and content requirements needed to capture and nurture leads for your business.

Requirements of Lead Capture & Nurture:

1. Value of a Database
Ultimately, a database of your target audience is extremely valuable, so communicating to them on a regular basis and nurturing that database is key.
Long-term leads are worth their weight in gold. So, this is all about how you build a valuable database that you continue to communicate to, that you continue to build and give value to through your content.
2. Not for Every Business
I get really sick and tired of hearing that every single business should be having lead magnets, and sales funnels, and lead funnels, and every term under the sun. It’s not true. I don’t believe in that, we don’t subscribe to that.
For us, this is about a considered purchase process. So, if you’re selling a dog collar, it’s just has to look good, right? I need a dog collar, I’m going to see one I like, and I’m going to buy it. You don’t need to create an eBook around the benefits of why a blue dog collar produces a better environment. That’s not real, right?
Considered Purchase Process
When you need the lead magnet funnels is when it’s a considered purchase process – when people are spending some time researching and looking up different competitors. If you get this wrong, then there are some consequences, and that’s when you need lead magnets and funnels.
If it’s a transactional quick and easy purchase, you don’t need these things. You just need a really good website that clearly communicates what you do and why your products are better.
3. Valuable Content
This is content that people actually want to read. All the tools that are listed above, in chapter Five and Six, will help you produce valuable content that people are prepared to give their email address for.
Whether it’s an eBook, a webinar, function, whatever it may be, it has to be really valuable that it’s worth their time in providing their email address.
You have to create the content, and you then have to promote it on your social channels to capture email addresses and grow your email database so that you capture their details.
4. Nurture Leads
Everything you create from the above chapters must be shared to your current leads. So, how do you do this better?
By adding more value. Really adding more and more value to your target audience is what’s going to make them long-term customers.
It’s time to do great content marketing!
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