Dashboards & Reporting

You need easy and timely access to your analytics information as a business owner.


Digital Marketing Reporting and Dashboards.

Your reporting framework has allowed you to determine the information you need as a business owner. Now let’s generate the reporting requirements so you have access to the RIGHT information.

Have a look at the following components and establish what systems you need for each report. Will you use excel? Which CRM system will you use? It’s also important to establish the timing of each report and the personnel who will be responsible for compiling these reports.

Daily Reporting

Primarily about activity and high-level results

These reports should answer questions like:

Weekly Reporting

Are we on track?

These reports should answer broader questions like:

Monthly Reporting

The devil is in the detail

These reports are much more comprehensive and granular. They cover:


Bring everything together with real-time insights

The final piece to the puzzle is setting up dashboards so you can see quickly and easily the KPIs across your business and quickly identify:

The beauty of technology is that these are all now fully automated and easy to set up. This means that with a click of a button, each sales rep and sales manager can see exactly where each person is within the pipeline and where things are being missed.



You and your team need to create a regular rhythm to see where your key business metrics are at, where things are falling down and what you can do every day to get better and better, week after week and month after month.

Example Report Output

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