Grow Relationships
It’s time to build a long, lasting and value-adding relationship with your target audience for life.

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Get Their Attention And Keep It.
Once you’ve captured your target audience’s attention, you then need to build relationships with them for life! You want to make sure that you are always top of mind whenever they think about a possible topic that you’re an expert at. You want them to continually refer customers to you because they love who you are and what you do.
You want to do this on different levels:
Give Me VALUE For Free!
You need to continually give things away for free showing that you are the best at what you do. You need to continually entice them to want to use your services, and continually entice them to share what you give them with others. These free things come in the form of eBooks, videos, case studies, education etc. And this is where being clear on your value proposition is very, very, very important!
The Trojan Horse
It’s time to go on the second date. You’ve won them over enough with free value, they’re happy to test and trial your services for a small fee. You need to build a $50 – $10K trial product/service that allows them to sample the wine before they buy a dozen cases of it. It’s the trojan horse to a long and lasting relationship. Remember, it needs to add more value than what they are paying for.
The Full Monty
Over time you want to work on getting a 100% share of their wallet for the products and services that you offer. You continually impress, engage and deliver on what you promise and your customers keep coming back for more.
The Cream On Top
Now it’s time to go above and beyond to ram home the value you provide so that the customer never leaves! You introduce amazing partners that they can work with, you educate on all related topics, you build a lasting, intimate and personalised relationship that they can’t get from a competitor.
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