I absolutely love this video. It is absolute pure gold – funny, interesting and full of some great concepts.
In just 2.5 minutes it communicates some fundamentals in marketing that we often forget, overlook or are just too scared:
Be Courageous
And stand up for what you believe in, what your business does, the value you provide and your ‘Why’.
Find a few followers
One is all you need to start, because the second won’t be far away and it only takes a few!
Nurture your followers
Building lasting and valuable relationships with those few followers is your most important task because…
Followers will bring more followers
The power of the tribe is that they will bring more customers if you’ve nurtured them in the right way.
Outsiders need to see followers
You need to shout from the top of your lungs how good your followers are and what they’re getting out of working with you
Your movement must be public
Share your message and gift with the world!