
Would your customers call you remarkable?

A Remarkable Paradigm Shift

When I was recently in Brisbane for work and desperately needed a caffeine hit, I found a small ‘hole in the wall’ café. You know, the kind you have to go in and pay, then wait outside until it’s ready. I went in, ordered, and paid, then stepped out thinking I’d get some sunshine and catch up on emails while I waited.

As I walked out the door, the gentleman at the coffee machine handed me my coffee and said, “Have a great day”. It was 20-30 seconds from when I ordered to when the coffee was in my hand.

It blew me away! What a great way to start the day.

This is what I wanted to touch on. I had a remarkable coffee experience that day. What’s interesting is that I don’t remember if it was a good coffee or not, or if the price differed from other coffees I’ve bought. All I remember is that it was remarkable.

How often do we fall into the trap of thinking remarkable needs to be some grand gesture or life-changing experience?

A lot. But it doesn’t need to be – it’s the little things that count. It’s about doing something out of the ordinary, being that little bit different.

Ever since that day, I’ve been thinking…

  • How do we take that to the next level in our businesses?
  • How do we create remarkable experiences at every customer touchpoint?
  • How do we create a Purple Cow (as Seth Godin calls it) moment?

That is the challenge for all of us.

How will you be remarkable?

Ask yourself, how can we make every customer touchpoint that little bit different? How can we be more remarkable?

Could you…

  • Add a joke to your invoice, so it makes customers smile and look forward to them
  • Add an inspirational quote, interesting article or an uplifting video in your email that can reach your customer on a personal level
  • Put a lollypop or chocolate in with the product you ship
  • Answer the phone bit differently

I remember calling up a Vinomofo about five or six years ago (technology’s come a long way since), but they answered the phone by saying, “Hi, Ben, how are you doing?”. Obviously, their system was set up to pick up my phone number and who I am, but it gave me a remarkable experience.

Remember, it’s the little things that add up to create remarkable experiences.

Remarkable experiences are the cornerstone of great marketing. They are the moments that keep customers coming back, and they are the moments they share with their friends.

So, today, be remarkable!

Need help with achieving this, we’re here to help. Give us a call.

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