
Cool technology that every business should implement now!

Picture this… technology that allows you to provide customer experience so good it will literally blow your customers’ expectations out of the water!

It’s true! It exists! And its relatively cheap and easy to implement! Technology is now available that not only gives you the power to create exceptional personalised customer experiences but also gives you the tools to track sales and revenue generated from your marketing so that you can determine what’s working, and what’s not. Brilliant!

Let us demonstrate…

How you can provide amazing customer experiences!

You get a customer calling in to your business, a screen pops up from your CRM telling you it’s Jane calling and her last three purchases were A, B and C. You answer the phone “Hi Jane, How is your day going? How is your latest purchase of “A” going?”… Jane is blown away by the service.

Improves marketing outcomes

You get an inbound phone lead and it’s a cracker – it’s your dream client. You look into your CRM, its already created the lead in the system for you and you see that he clicked on a LinkedIn article you posted three weeks ago. That article is working a treat – 4 leads so far, with 2 converted into $13K!

The next phone enquiry you get is a dud lead – your CRM tells you that he clicked on “XXXX” keyword in your Google Ads campaign. You always thought that keyword was a dud, and in the past 5 months you’ve had no enquiries from it at all (either over the phone or online forms). Time to get rid of that keyword!

Solves customer complaints

The next phone call, your system tells you it’s Jim calling. So you say “Hi Jim, how are you going with that widget you purchased last month”? Jim replies “Poorly, when I spoke to your colleague the week before, he said that it would do X, Y and Z, but it clearly doesn’t do Z!”. So you say, “Oh, I’m so sorry that it’s not meeting your expectation. Let me look into that for you.” You then pull up the phone conversation your colleague had with the Jim, and at the click of a button on the CRM screen you are listening to the full recording of that phone conversation. It’s pretty clear pretty quickly that Z wasn’t promised, and you’re able to communicate this to Jim (and even play him the recording if necessary), at which point Jim apologises for the misunderstanding. Problem solved, situation defused!

And If that isn’t enough, this technology is:

  • Available now!
  • Cheap as chips (relatively)!
  • Applicable to all businesses and is easy to implement.
  • Bloody Cool!

There you have it. Technology that easily solves two mammoth challenges facing businesses today. Let’s explore that a little further.

Challenge 1:

Complete revenue tracking of your sales from your marketing!

Today it’s now possible to track nearly every single marketing campaign right through to the number of customers it generates and the revenue created for your business. This is the data and information that most businesses previously haven’t been able to access.

It allows you to know exactly what revenue is generated by every:
We’ve had some data, but now we can have it all

Inbound phone enquiries have traditionally been the grey area that we haven’t been able to track and measure. Now we have the ability to know exactly where each phone call comes from, allowing us to precisely track and measure each and every marketing campaign.

Complete ROI measurement on your marketing

This allows all companies (big and small) to now track the exact ROI on each marketing campaign. Providing business owners with the elusive holy grail in their revenue generating arsenal.

Which do you want more of?

Having this data now allows all businesses to do better analysis and optimisation of what specific parts of campaigns are working and what components aren’t. We can now tell this keyword in Google Ads is generating 32 total enquiries (18 phone enquires and 14 online form submissions), where as this other keyword generated 14 online form submissions but only 2 phone enquiries. So which keyword do you want to get more visitors from? Pretty easy answer once you have the information.

Challenge 2:

Complete customer history at everybody’s fingertips (and its automated!)

By integrating your marketing with your phone systems with your CRMs/POS, you get an amazingly powerful complete lead/customer management system that will power your businesses’ growth well into the future. Not to mention it impresses the socks of your customers!

Most important: Amazing customer experiences

This technology will literally blow the socks of your customers and have them walking away saying “Wow those guys are good! Best service I’ve received in a long time”. As business owners, this always gives us a great ego boost!

Data and information for growth

These systems provide data and information required for growth of your sales and customer services. It starts to provide amazing information (eg Bruce is taking 5 ph calls and 2.4 hours to close a sale but Bill is only taking 3 calls and 45 minutes, Kim has taken 83 customer service calls this week but Brian is only at 45). And all this is available and easy to read from dashboards and reports.

Full call centre reporting at a fraction of the cost

What used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce full call centre reporting and dashboards, can now be done at a fraction of the costs. With this technology, you can have the number of phone calls, SLA’s, inbound enquiries, time on phone etc provided in real time, quickly and easily.

Manage sales staff and team

All this adds up to better management of sales staff and sales team for better results! Quickly identify where each sales staff member is falling down, where they aren’t making/taking enough calls, where their pipeline is low. Always some quick wins to drive quick revenue growth.

Goes anywhere, any time!

Best of all? It’s all virtual. You can switch between your phone on your desk, to your mobile phone without anybody knowing. Take calls anywhere, make calls from anywhere and they are all tracked, monitored and integrated, so that it’s all automated in your systems eliminating all the manual work you’re used to!

It will revolutionise your marketing, sales and service!

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