
Google Ads Optimisation Process

In the fast-paced world of digital advertising and marketing, waiting a month to assess your campaign’s performance just won’t cut it. You need to be proactive, make data-driven decisions, and be all over your campaigns. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can optimise your Google Ads and what you should be doing each day and week to overcome roadblocks and reach results.

1. Be All Over It

The first rule of effective Google Ads optimisation is to stay vigilant. You can’t afford to wait weeks to find out what’s working and what’s not. It’s all about capturing as much data as possible to understand your audience and campaign performance. Initially, focus on driving more visitors to your site, while closely monitoring the outcomes and making adjustments and improvements as efficiently as possible.

2. Daily Checks

In the initial two to four weeks, implement daily checks to assess your campaign’s progress and ensure you’re on track for the desired results. From the day you go live keep track of the number of visitors, costs, and results to adjust your course promptly. Increase or decrease bids as needed to control your ad spending while maximising the quality and number of your visitors.

3. Daily Optimisations

The daily optimisation process is really important. Once you’re starting to get more and more visitors through, then start to look at the quality of that visitor. Do this every couple of days for the first couple of weeks and then get into a more formal weekly routine over time.

Check on an optimise by:

  • Increasing or decreasing bids: Are we spending too much for little reward? Are we spending too little and not getting results?
  • Checking on your budget: Are we spending too much or too little?
  • Checking on your results: Are we getting enough visitors through? What is the quality of visitors coming through?

4. Weekly Search Query Analysis

Weekly ‘Search Query Analysis’ is super important and analysing the search query terms that people are typing into Google for your ad to show. This gives a very good insight into the intent of the visitor who is clicking on your ad.

This analysis helps identify negative keywords that prevent your ad from showing for irrelevant searches. It also highlights the search terms with the right intent that bring the right visitors to your site.

Search query analysis allows us to delve into some areas and ideas that we might have overlooked, missed or not seen as important. So, it gives us some really good ideas on how we can grow and improve things.

5. Weekly Optimisations

Regularly assess your campaign’s focus on products or services and adjust your bids accordingly. Keep a watchful eye on your budget to ensure you’re not overspending on low-converting keywords. The goal is to allocate more budget to campaigns that convert well.

For weekly optimisations, you want to focus on three key areas:

  • Product/Service Focus: Are the products and services we want to focus on getting traction or are some of the lower skewed keywords taking up too much budget? The answer will be either yes, we are hitting the mark in terms of the keywords we want to perform, or no we aren’t hitting the mark, so let’s adjust course.
  • Bid Management: Bid management is all about maximising the quantity and quality of visitors for our ad spend. We increase bids and decrease bids accordingly to make sure we’re getting a good volume of visitors.
  • Budget: Over time we want to start shifting the budget to better-converting campaigns. The ones that are converting better need to get more budget versus the ones that aren’t converting as well.

6. Weekly Conversions & Site Engagement

Weekly conversions and site engagement are crucial for measuring the strength of your campaigns. Analyse metrics for each keyword or ad to identify which are producing engaging visitors and which aren’t. Analyse conversion data to improve parts of the campaign that aren’t performing well and enhance engagement.

A few core metrics to use are:

  • Bounce rate: Bounce rate refers to if somebody comes to your website, comes to the landing page but then leaves straight away. They don’t do anything, they don’t engage, they don’t convert. A lower bounce rate is better, it means people are engaging better with the site.
  • Time on sites: Which keywords have people spending more time on your site and which ones are spending less time?
  • Pages per session: Which keywords are people looking at ten pages on your site versus which keywords they’re looking at one or two?
  • Conversions: Knowing which parts of your campaign are producing conversions allows you to adjust your budget and focus on those that are producing better results and improving those that are converting poorly.

7. Major Roadblocks & Opportunities

As with all other parts of your life and business, things just pop up. Both good and bad, we want to address these ASAP.

Sometimes there are bad things and roadblocks, to overcome these consider:

  • What are they?
  • How do we overcome them?
  • How do we improve them?
  • This part of the campaign has got a terrible bounce rate and no conversions coming through.
  • How do we fix that?
  • What are the ads we need to change?
  • What’s the landing page doing?
  • How do we build a new landing page to test and trial things?

Similarly, you get some great opportunities. So, think about how you can maximise those ASAP versus having to wait. If the product campaign is converting like there’s no tomorrow, and you’re getting more and more leads or revenue you want to go hard with it and grab those opportunities.

Enjoy Results with an Optimised Google Ads Process

By following these steps to track, analyse and optimise your Google Ads campaigns on a daily and weekly basis you’ll be able to enjoy consistent results and conversions. The key to any digital marketing campaign is ensuring you have a data-driven strategy in place that is guided by your target audience and proven results.

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