
Master Google Ads Search Query Analysis for Better Quality Leads at Reduced Costs

If you’re investing in Google Ads, you want to ensure that your budget is well-spent, reaching potential customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services. This is where Search Query Analysis (SQA) comes into play.

In this blog, we will dive into the process of SQA and how it can help you filter out irrelevant traffic, discover new keywords, and ultimately improve your Google Ads performance.

The Power of Search Query Analysis

Search Query Analysis is the process of examining the actual search queries that people type into Google to trigger your ads. It provides valuable insights that can be used to refine your ad campaigns, improve your targeting, and boost your return on investment.

Here are some key aspects of SQA:

Enhancing Search Quality

To build effective Google Ads campaigns, you need to understand what your potential customers are searching for. Search Query Analysis allows you to uncover the most common search terms used by your audience.

By aligning your ad copy and keywords with these terms, you can improve your ad’s relevance, making it more likely to appear when potential customers search.

Exploring New Keywords

SQA is not just about refining your existing keyword list; it’s also a goldmine for discovering new keywords. As you sift through the search queries, you might identify relevant terms you hadn’t previously considered.

By incorporating these new keywords into your campaigns, you can tap into previously untapped markets and potentially find new customers.

Crafting Better User Journeys

When you understand the specific queries that lead users to your ads, you can tailor the landing pages to match their intent. Creating a seamless user journey improves user experience and can lead to higher conversion rates.

For example, if you notice that users searching for “best running shoes” frequently click on your ad, consider directing them to a dedicated page showcasing your top running shoe products.

Negating Irrelevant Search Terms

One of the most critical aspects of Search Query Analysis is identifying irrelevant search terms. These are search queries that trigger your ads but don’t align with your business objectives. By adding these irrelevant terms as negative keywords, you can prevent your ads from showing to uninterested users, saving your budget for more valuable clicks.

How to Perform Search Query Analysis

Now that you understand some of the key aspects it’s time to take a look at the steps needed to actually perform the analysis:

  1. Pull the Search Query Report: Start by accessing the search query report in your Google Ads account. This report provides a list of the actual search queries that triggered your ads over a specific timeframe.
  2. Sort by Frequency: Sort the search queries from most visitors to least visitors. This allows you to focus on the queries that are generating the most impressions and clicks.
  3. Identify the Top Search Terms: Once you’ve sorted your search queries, take a look at the exact search terms being typed in Google that are triggering your ads.
  4. Identify Irrelevant Keywords: Review the list and highlight keywords that are not relevant to your business. These might be phrases that are loosely related to your products or services but attract clicks from users with low purchase intent.
  5. Add Negative Keywords: Once you’ve identified irrelevant terms, add them as negative keywords to your campaigns. This will prevent your ads from displaying for these searches, saving your budget for more qualified traffic.
  6. Discover New Keywords: While analysing the search queries, keep an eye out for new keywords that you haven’t targeted before. If you notice search terms with high relevance to your offerings, consider incorporating them into your campaigns.

Frequency of SQA

SQA is a great way to identify growth opportunities for your business, so it should be completed regularly. However, the frequency at which you perform Search Query Analysis may vary based on your campaign’s age and performance:

  • For new campaigns: It’s advisable to conduct SQA weekly during the first month or two. This frequent analysis helps you quickly refine your campaign based on user behaviour.
  • For well-established campaigns: Once your campaign is well-established transition to a monthly SQA schedule. This ongoing practice ensures that your campaigns remain aligned with user search behaviour and market trends.

A Source of Business Opportunities

In addition to optimising your ad campaigns, Search Query Analysis can uncover valuable long-term business opportunities. By paying attention to search queries and user behaviour, you might identify new product or service offerings, content topics, or markets to explore.

For example, a client in the education sector was able to create a new course based on high search volumes for courses similar to their existing course.

By knowing there is an existing demand for a product/service you can create an opportunity that is already set up for success.

Leverage SQA for Result-Driven Google Ads.

Refining your Google Ads campaigns through Search Query Analysis is a game-changer. By filtering out irrelevant traffic, discovering new keywords, and tailoring your ads to match user intent, you can increase the quality of leads and sales you generate while reducing costs. SQA empowers you to make data-driven decisions that lead to more effective digital advertising campaigns.

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