
What an awesome formula


Hint: it only works if you’re honest and please share your scores.

What an awesome formula! A big thanks to Cameron Herold who shared his words of wisdom with us a few weeks ago. It’s taken me this long to really digest what it all means and the more I think about it, the more spot-on I reckon he is.

So, what is this awesome formula you ask?

S = F * F * E

S = Chance of Success

Success in your chosen craft.

F = Focus!

All too often we try to do too many things, when what we really need to do is fewer things but do them better. This reminds me, the book of the month for me is ‘Essentialism: The disciplined pursuit of less’, if you haven’t read it yet, you need to, that book alone has changed my life.

F = Faith

Faith or in my word’s belief. How much belief do you have in yourself and what you do? And one thing I’ve learnt recently is that 95% of us really struggle with this concept, that we really are that good. It’s time to get rid of that imposter syndrome.

E = Energy

How much energy are you really applying to your craft? Are you working hard or hardly working? When you work, are you pushing the limits or are you coasting along?

And the real kicker is...

That because this is multiplication, it highlights a real decaying effect on your chances of success.

So, what were my results when I did this?


  • Focus = I’ve come a long way in the past 12 months, approximately now at 85%
  • Faith = I’m going with 80% (we do great work, but I also suffer from that imposter syndrome)
  • Energy = 85% (I reckon I’ve got more in me!)
  • Chances of Success = 85%*80%*85% = 58%
  • 58%! Bloody hell! What a kick in the butt!

“But a bloody good kick in the butt, time to pull my socks up again and up the ante!”

Now it’s your turn!

Have a go and please share your scores in the comments below, I’d love to see where people are at.

Cameron’s Tip: You need to be at 98% in order to guarantee success.

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